Honors, Fellowships, and Awards
2022: Top Cited Article Award. Journal of Engineering Education.
2022: Top Cited Article Award. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
2022: Teaching Award. Teaching Excellence – Digital Education Award. University of Tübingen.
2021: Best Poster Award. 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining.
2020: Best Poster Award. 5th International NEPS Conference.
2019: Distinguished Dissertation in Teacher Education Award. Association of Teacher Educators.
2019: Finalist John C. Park Award. Association for Science Teacher Education International Meeting.
2013-2017: School of Education Scholar Award. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
2017: School of Education Spring/Summer Award. School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
2015: Selected Paper Award. 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning in Munich, Germany.
2014: Rackham Summer Training Award. ICPSR Quantitative Research Methodology Summer Program, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
2014: Kappa Delta Pi. Inducted in the International Honors Society in Education.
2007-2013: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Fellowship. National Merit Scholarship Program in Germany.
2011: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Study Abroad Scholarship (USA). Merit scholarship used to study abroad at the University of California, Berkeley.
2009: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Study Abroad Scholarship (Switzerland). Merit scholarship used to study abroad at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
research grants
2023-2025: Co-Investigator. Professionelle Netzwerke zur Förderdung adaptiver, prozessbezogener, digital-gestützter Innovationen in der MINT-Lehrpersonenbildung [Professional networks to support adaptive, process-oriented, and digital innovations in STEM teacher education]. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research [PI: Andreas Lachner; €7,366,849]
2023-2024: Principal Investigator. Tübingen Learning Analytics Initiative: Building Capacity for Understanding Success Factors in STEM Education. Hector Foundation Grant [Co-PI: Taiga Brahm; €206,150]
2022-2023: Principal Investigator. Digital Tools for Field Trips in Biology Education, LEAD Intramural Research Funds, University of Tübingen, Germany. [Co-PI: Christoph Randler; €3,097]
2021-2023: Co-Investigator. E-ADAPT — Große Fragen brauchen gemeinsame Antworten: Eine europäische Wissenschafts-Praxis-Initiative für den adaptiven Unterricht [Big questions require shared answers: A European research-practice initiative for adaptive teaching], German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. [PIs: Ulrich Trautwein, Hanna Dumont, Anne Sliwka; €212,376]
2021-2022: Co-Principal Investigator. Development of an automated early warning system for students at risk for dropouts, LEAD Intramural Research Funds, University of Tübingen, Germany. [PI: Marina Pumptow; €6,455]
2020-2022: Principal Investigator. Twitter als informelle Fortbildung für Lehrkräfte: Soziale Netzwerke und Lehrerbildung in Deutschland [Twitter as informal teacher professional development: Social networks and teacher education in Germany], Program for the Promotion of Junior Researchers, University of Tübingen, Germany. [€14,225]
2020: Principal Investigator. Scientific Accuracy of Mathematics and Physics Content in Teacher Communities on Twitter, Seed Funding, LEAD Graduate School and Research Network, University of Tübingen, Germany. [Co-PIs: Jan-Philipp Burde, Walther Paravicini; €4,450]
2018-2019: Co-Principal Investigator. Exploring how beginning elementary mathematics teachers seek out resources through social media, Herman and Rasiej Math Initiative. [PI: Stephen Aguilar, Co-PIs: Spencer Greenhalgh, Joshua Rosenberg; $8,820]
2017-2019: Principal Investigator. Investigating teaching and learning processes and outcomes at a large public research university, Research Stipend, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, University of California, Irvine. [$10,000]
2017: Principal Investigator. Examining forms and frames for science teacher learning related to large-scale reforms, Dissertation Finishing Grant, School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [$6,000]
2017: Principal Investigator. Examining teacher engagement in professional learning on Twitter. Graduate Student Research Mini Grant, Department of Educational Studies, School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [$400]
2015: Principal Investigator. Evaluating at-risk student performance on high-stakes assessment: The analysis of the AP Biology and AP Chemistry redesign, School of Education Spring/Summer Advancement Toward the Degree Program Grant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [$8,000]
2015: Principal Investigator. Effects of science teacher collaboration while navigating large-scale science reforms. Graduate Student Research Grant, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [$850]
Conference Travel Grants
School of Education Conference Travel Grant. AERA meeting in Washington, DC
Rackham International Conference Travel Grant. MPTL meeting in Munich, Germany
Rackham Conference Travel Grant. AERA meeting in Chicago, IL
Rackham Conference Travel Grant. AERA meeting in Philadelphia, PA
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Scholarship. DPG meeting in Jena, Germany
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Conference Travel Grant. ICME meeting in Seoul, Korea
project affiliations
Supporting Large Scale Change in Science Education: Understanding Professional Development and Adoption Variation Related to the Revised Advanced Placement Curriculum (PD-RAP) - $3.0M
This project explores teacher change in relation to the revised Advanced Placement examinations in the sciences. In particular, it examines the professional development experienced by AP Biology, Chemistry and Physics teachers to determine (1) the relationship between teacher and school characteristics and the professional development patterns that teachers choose; (2) the relationship between the professional development patterns that various types of teachers choose and their students' outcomes; and (3) the challenges encountered in delivering various forms of professional development at this level of scale.
Grant awarded to Arthur Eisenkraft (PI), Abigail Jurist Levy (Co-PI), Christopher Dede (Co-PI), Barry Fishman (Co-PI) by the National Science Foundation
Investigating Virtual Learning Environments (IVLE) - $2.5M
The project intends to systematically explore the effectiveness of virtual learning of STEM courses in large research universities The major goals are to (1) to explore how different types of virtual learning environments affect teaching and learning processes, outcomes, and attitudes toward STEM, both in general and for particular groups of underrepresented learners, (2) to examine how variation in instructional practices is associated with student learning gains for the purposes of distilling potential strategies to design high-quality virtual learning environments and improve student learning; and (3) to understand the student experience of learning within virtual learning environments through investigation of learning behaviors and the ways in which these behaviors relate to student outcomes
Grant awarded to Mark Warschauer (PI), Di Xu (Co-PI), Padhraic Smyth (Co-PI), Teomara Rutherford (Co-PI), Sarah Eichhorn (Co-PI) by the National Science Foundation
Next Generation Undergraduate Success Measurement Project (Link) - $1.1M
This project develops and implements a state-of-the-art measurement project to improve our understanding of the value of undergraduate educational experiences and promote evidence-based models of undergraduate student success. The project is designed to inform the development of a large-scale longitudinal study of colleges and universities (College and Beyond II) coordinated by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. It draws on three data strand; (1) Administrative, Student Affairs, and Course Taking Trajectories data, (2) Learning Management Systems data, and (3) Survey, Experience Sampling, and Performance Assessment data.
Grant awarded to Richard Arum (PI) and Michael Dennin (Co-PI) by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.